Art 2024
Here you can find documentation following the work by Gabrielle Ranger; January 2024 to the current date.
“I enjoy painting a variety of mediums. I like to challenge myself by fluctuating between big and small scale surfaces!”- Gabrielle
Follow along to see experimentation and updates on current commissions. If you are interested in working together click on the button below!
I am currently booking into June 2024. (Updated April 2024)
January 2024
“I got to work on a fun commission as well as a painting that I gifted to a dear friend”- Gabrielle Ranger. Below are a few details of the work made in January.
Pup Playing in the Poppy Field”
Acrylic paint on canvas.
11’’ x 14’’.
Gabrielle Ranger
‘’Crawfish at Lakeview”
Acrylic paint on canvas.
4’’ x 4’’.
Gabrielle Ranger
Timelapse and documentation
Below are videos edited as reels and available on instagram as well. Documentation taken intended for this website are still undergoing editing, so stay tuned!
Here is another reel from instagram. It captures the location that inspired the painting. This piece was given as a gift to a good friend meant to capture a fond memory at their cottage.
Here is a little reel from instagram showing a quick time lapse. Fun fact, this time lapse consists of over hours of work.
“During this month, my friends and I were all finally able to celebrate our Christmas 2023, since it was delayed a bit I ended up adding a few pink themes.”- Gabrielle Ranger.
Below are a few details of the work made in February 2024. Although all ornaments, some were made as gifts for friends and one was commissioned in memory of Crosby.